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Land Process - Diyanni Homes

Buying land that is suitable for your home is important.

This process can be time consuming and costly, especially if you end up buying land that requires a lot of improvements before the home’s construction can even begin. Thankfully, this is a process that we have had a lot of experience with! At Diyanni Homes we can help you to choose land that will fit your needs and your budget.

Land Process 1
Land Process 2

Build On Your Lot Seminar

We offer a free seminar called Build on Your Lot every month, where we educate attendees on the entire land buying process. We teach you how to find the right land and the questions you should be asking. From soil testing to land improvements, we feel this step is more important as choosing a design for your home. First, the ground you build your home on needs to able to support its foundation and utilities. The soil must be professionally tested for compaction (foundation support), and utility provision.


We are dedicated to educating our customers about quality home building. Join us at one of our free monthly seminars to learn all you need to know about buying land for your dream home.