Home Styles You’ll Love!
These days it can be difficult to find the right style home you want with the land and price you’re looking for! It can lead to days of searching or choosing to settle and compromise. Many people are now choosing...
These days it can be difficult to find the right style home you want with the land and price you’re looking for! It can lead to days of searching or choosing to settle and compromise. Many people are now choosing...
Have you been dreaming of building a new home? And you have thought it through and everything? Well, here are some things you may want to avoid that you may not have thought of! These will make your home building...
Are you thinking of custom home building? Well, finding the right land for sale for your home is your first step! Most home buyers have the land in mind when they envision their dream home. It can be hard to...
Are you thinking of custom home building? Well, finding the right land for sale for your home is your first step! Most home buyers have the land in mind when they envision their dream home. It can be hard to...
Repair costs of a home can get pricey! Over time, these prices tend to add up as your home ages. According to the U.S. News and World Report, for a $200,000 home, people spend at least $2,000 annually in repairs....
Choosing to build your dream home can be scary! That’s how it is with anything you’re doing for the first time though! But don’t worry, we at Diyanni Homes have built over 2,000 homes. We are experts when it comes...